Thursday, 26 April 2012

Puppy days

Here are a few pictures of me in the early days. I was 7 and half weeks old when daddy collected me from the breeders, the Youngs, who live near Peterborough.
Me and my brothers
Take me
Hello Daddy!

In my new bed, exhausted
Early learning

Testing the bed
Must be something good down here!


  1. Oh man! You was da cutest pup....

  2. Gruffhello to you my new fur friend!! - from these pictures I would have suspected that some day you may even grow up to be as handsome as I (lol) !! and look, you did just that !! Really great to me you, I have a come over a wandering from Twitter and do like your home here - I love your name, and agree with @BunnersandHarvs that you were indeed a marvellous addition to their sales team, I loved your Meetings Pals post too, that would be so cool! Barnie x

  3. Hello Barnie! Are you one of the Barney BTs on twitta? we have a few of them there. Thank you for your comments. Maybe we will chat on twitta if you are there too. Will join your when I can work out how too


  4. Gruffhello there again !! - I did see you from/on Twitter, I saw your 'Hello to Barney' - I am Barnie though, such a popular brilliant name ey (ha ha) - so was not sure if you were in a private conversation with one of your other many fabulous 4legs out there! - I have bobbed back here as I like to have a bit of a plaw plod about of a Saturday and come and see my friends - see you soon, (extending a very warm welcome to my little blue blog - a cunning Border such as your fine statued self can sniff out the address in most places) Barnie x
