Monday, 4 May 2020

BTposse Badge

Ello BT pals and friends. A suggestion was made back in 2013 that the BTposse on Twitter needed a badge. So we asked Mr Gimli's dad if he could use his clever artistic talents to design a sew on badge that we could have made for posse members.  And pals will be pleased to know Mr Gimli's Dad used an image of Marley for the design.  Cornish Barney's Mum organised the making of the badge and  several nameless pals have paid for the badges over the years.  The BTposse celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019 and to mark this a special badge has been produced (see below)

Now pals, dont all rush at once to ask for one, there are some rulz and conditshuns to read furst.

The badges are free to you but we are asking that for every badge a donashun of £5 or more is made to BT Welfare. Please note that Just Giving will add a ‘contribution’ (default £4.50) so check this carefully and decide whether you want to give them this or a lower ‘contribution’

The badges are intended for members of the BTposse on Twitter.  These are tweeting BTs (and BT crosses) but we are also giving them to owners of BTs on Twitter, and a handful of 'honorary' BTs whose names have been provided by TerrierTypist.

The badge committee is myself (Rohan), Cornish Barney and Clapton and in order to spread the work between us in distributing the badges we have a plan!

If you, or the youngest BT in your pack is between 0 and 3 send DM to @CornishBarney

If you, or the youngest BT in your pack is between 4 and 7 send DM to @RohanTheBT (me)

If you are 8 or older send DM to @ClaptonTerrier

Only one badge per BT will be sent out I'm afraid as this is a limited edition.

Any questions please ask one of the badge committee


  1. Very cool Rohan! How eggsitin!

  2. dAT iS sUcH a sUpA dUpA tHiNg pAL. yOo sO cLeVa & wE haPpy tO sUpPort! xxx

  3. Rohan my Momz wanted to DM you about a #BTPosse badge and dontaion and all but can't unless you follow me on da twitter @GizmoGeodog...please help cuz I want to show my #BTPosse pride here in Florida

  4. Zacks a member of the BTPosse too and has his badge. Very proud.

  5. Hi Rhona my mummy would like to DM you about a BTposse badge but she can't unless you follow me, @Bee_the_border

  6. Hi Rhona my mummy would like to DM you about a BTposse badge but she can't unless you follow me, @Bee_the_border

  7. My BT Kodi would like to join too! We did a donation already. Tried to send a message to @ClaptonTerrier because I am 10, but couldn’t since we aren’t friends. My Mom’s account is jgirlcolorado on Twitter. Thank you
