Saturday, 2 January 2021

#BTposse tweetups 2021

BTposse tweetups 2021


Due to the current Covid situation in the UK no tweetups have been planned for 2021. When the situation changes this post will be updated. As usual please let us know if you are planning a BTposse tweetup. Optimistically we have started to add tweetups!

Virtual Zoomies

Until such time as we can have real tweetups a few virtual zoomies have been planned. To join in contact the host or @LimeOscar

30 Jan 7pm @Artti_btmonster

27 Feb 7pm @HWicket

27 March 7pm @BakodaBT

8 August Dunbar Time tba details @EricTheBorder

29 August 11.30 Clumber Park @Hamish_hrh

4 September 11.30 The Kelpies, Falkirk @ThomasATerrier

11 September 10.30 Abergavenny, Wales @Riley_roo888

25 September tba Glasgow @LynnieYankee

3 October 11.00 National Herb Centre, Warmington, Banbury @NorthantsBarney